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Authorization groups

The equipment portal is based on a standardized rights and role system to control the persmissions/rights a user has. Authorization groups can be used to control what a user should be able to do in the portal, in the backend or in one of the mobile apps.

The permissions of a user can be individually compiled. For this purpose, one or more groups are assigned to a user.

Every new user gets automatically the right to read (“Lesen Basis”) in the equipment portal.

Please note: The groups build on each other. You can therefore assign several groups to one user.

Add authorization groups

How to assign groups: Manage users, user settings

Group "Lesen Basis (Read Only)"

Every new user automatically gets this group. He can view equipments and functional locations in the portal with it and download inspection certificates as well as view reports. He has no editing rights.

Group “Schreiben Basis (Basic Edit rights)”

With this group, the user can edit and comment on equipments in the portal and upload documents to equipment. He can also create, edit and download reports. This permission group cannot manage functional locations, but only customize their own view in the portal.

Group “Schreiben Plus (Premium Edit rights)”

With this authorization group, a user can create, edit, and delete functional locations in the portal. He can add inspections and upload inspection certificates to the equipment. In addition, he can generate a QR code for any equipment.

Group “Usermanagement”

Users with this group have access to the backend and can view, create, edit, and delete users and adjust permissions.

Group “Inspection App” (Premium-function)

This allows users to use the Inspection App to perform inspections and add and edit equipment.

Group “Inventory App” (Premium-function)

The user can use the Inventory App to record inventories on the move.

Group "Verwaltung Objektarten (object types management)" (Plus/Premium-function)

This authorization group will be available soon (as of 05/23): This group allows a user to add and manage customer-specific object types and characteristics. This includes the right to add existing checklists incl. procedures to an object type. This right only refers to the customer-specific object types located in the user's own organization. This group is bound to the package you agreed on with your Carl Stahl contact.

Group “Equipment-Import” (Plus/Premium-function)

This group allows a user to import equipments in mass in the backend. This group is bound to the package you agreed on with your Carl Stahl contact.

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